To Boldly Go Where We've All Gone Before

I just wanted to say, I really enjoyed the first episode of season 3 of Picard. So much so, I'm almost afraid to go on. It feels like the sequel to the series that I've always wanted. Yes, it leads with somewhat pandering nostalgia bait. The characters, the diegetic and non-diegetic elements of the show, all seem to just scream at you: "Remember the theme from First Contact? Remember the Enterprise D? Remember the Enterprise A? Remember Star Trek 2 and 3? And Star Trek 6, I guess? Please remember how much you love Star Trek!"

I remember, Picard Season 3. And I'm embarrassed to say how easily your pandering worked on me. How often have we left spacedock with Kirk and the crew? They recreate it here in a way that's charming and fun. The Titan looks like a constitution class Starship. Who cares? Me, I guess!

The awkward dinner with Captain Jerk was reminiscent of the dinner in the Undiscovered Country, from which the show seems to be drawing a lot of its inspiration. Christopher Plummer, THE General Chang himself, his daughter seems to be playing a major role as the villain. 

The characters feel familiar again. Picard is terse and grumpy. Riker is Jonathan Frakes, fanboying about the good old days. The characters feel like a continuation of what they were in the shows. I'll steal the sentiment from Mike and Rich from Red Letter Media. I kind of wish we went from "All Good Things" right to this. Most of us aren't fans of the Next Generation movies (First Contact aside). I have to admit, though seasons 1 and 2 of Picard start off pretty interesting, they had pretty rough landings to say the least.

But, here we go again. They've created a product I cannot ignore. It's the Next Generation cast. What am I going to do? Not watch it? It could be the worst television show ever made, but they're holding my favorite characters hostage. Nay . . . They're holding my family hostage. Yes, I'll go that far. Yes, I'm that sad of a case. And I'll do whatever they say. Picard Season 3. . . I'm all in!

A few nitpicks. 

1) Why so dark?

2) Why Riker sleep on the couch?

3) Why so dark? Who eats dinner in the dark? Turn on a light!

4) Accents are not genetic! Yeah, I see what you're trying to do with Crusher's son. That's not how accents work!

5) I kind of like Raffi in season 1 and I'm glad they kept her around. I guess that's not a nitpick.
