RANT: Starship Troopers: The fascist propaganda movie that won't turn our world into a dystopian hellscape.

I see these days, there are an increasing amount of videos that have finally figured out the movie Starship Troopers. Maybe, it's our current political climate of "fake news", but I've had conversations with people who insist that I'm reading too much into this movie and give it too much credit. I guess that phase of my life is over. We are literally a quarter of a century late on this one guys, but I'd like to take this opportunity to go on record saying I got the movie before it was cool to get this movie.

At the time it was released most people missed the point of Starship Troopers (the movie) taking it as a straight forward space opera where the humans are the good guys, fighting the good fight against the evil bugs. But it's actually a satire that fools the audience into rooting for soldiers in a fascist regime. Aside from the Nazi imagery that is pervasive throughout Starship Troopers, the movie itself is essentially a fascist propaganda film for a fictional war.

We are told absurd lies about the bugs like they are somehow able to shoot asteroids from across the galaxy and read people's minds by sucking out their brains. Not only is the idea of the bugs inexplicably being able to control asteroids ridiculous (a point that is driven home by a comical animation showing the great distance between Klendathu and Earth), the destruction of Buenos Aires by an asteroid seems to have been part of a conspiracy to galvanize Earthlings to fight in a war against the bugs.

The claim that the bugs can read minds seems to have been completely invented by the cowardly soldier who hid in a cupboard while the rest of his team was slaughtered during an invasion. I don't know about you guys, the first time I watched the movie I believed every lie I was told. Right up until I saw Neil Patrick Harris dressed as an SS officer, then it finally clicked.

We are never told what the bugs want, only that "The only good bug, is a dead bug!" When you think about it, Starship Troopers is an alien invasion movie, in reverse. The humans are invading the bug homeworld and use propaganda to justify the slaughter of their enemy. In that way not only is the movie a satire of world history and war but its also a satire of modern action movies. How many movies have we blindly cheered for a murderous protagonist? Were our loyalties based on morality or a point of view that was forced upon us? Troopers a movie designed to be misunderstood and if you fall into the trap, you'll find yourself rooting for the Nazis! Powerful, timeless moviemaking.
