RANT: What's the worst scene from Star Wars: the Rise of Skywalker?

This is a tough one. The movie has some stiff competition but I’m going with the moisture farm. Rey is burying the Skywalker lightsabers. First off, let’s just agree that Rey's connection to Luke is nonsensical. In the Last Jedi he trolled her for a few days until she became so frustrated at his whining that she almost kills him. That's their entire relationship. Then Leia trains her (Leia Organa Solo) for some period of time. So when some random, nosey, old woman, wandering through the desert, asks Rey her LAST name, instead of telling her to mind her own goddamn business, Rey lies and says: “Rey Skywalker.” Now, I didn't like the Last Jedi too much more than I liked Rise of Skywalker, but I far prefer the “Rey is nobody” angle that they were going for in that movie than what they were going for here. And it's been said a million times, but if Rey absolutely had to steal a name, it should have been Organa or Solo.

But here's what really makes that scene so bad.

Rando in the desert: “What's your name?”
Rey: “Rey Skywalker.”
Rando: “Skywalker? You mean like, Anakin Skywalker? Who killed all those kids and Jedi? That super evil, genocidal maniac?”
Rey: “You got me. I lied. I'm actually a Palpatine. I didn't want you to think my grandfather was a super evil, genocidal maniac. So, I claimed my grandfather was a different evil, genocidal maniac. Make sense?”
Rando: “Grandfather? Who were your parents?”
Rey: “Parents? They're not important. They just sacrificed their lives to save mine. They weren't even in the original trilogy! Fuck em'!”

It’s okay. My grandchildren are ashamed of me too.

It's pointless, stupid and the scene itself is ridiculous when you think about it. They just HAD to visit the moisture farm. They just HAD to make her a Skywalker. And they do this how? By giving her a scene with a new character. Why not have a chat with Finn? At least pretend that the new characters are relevant or interesting beyond their absurd, ad hoc connections to other characters in the franchise.

Runner up for worst scene is the scene where she kills Chewie. It’s also my favourite scene because I laughed my ass off. Rey wanders off into the desert to be all brooding and melancholic and stuff. Then Finn points out that Chewie has been captured and the ship that he’s on is flying off! Following that is a Force tug of war between Rey and Kylo Ren for the ship that Chewbacca is on. But then Rey … gets angry? At Kylo Ren? She gets so angry, in fact, that she has a Forcegasm and blows up the ship she was fighting for.It reminded me of South Park’s, “They killed Kenny! You bastards!” scenes. Even Kylo Ren looks surprised. “Dafuq did you do that for?” And John Boyega screams as if he’s in a movie that deserves the effort. They get over it pretty quickly though and are cracking wise minutes later as they search for MacGuffin #2. Also, Chewie’s not dead. Apparently, stupid idiot Finn, who has ADD or something, lost track of the ship that Chewbacca was actually on and pointed to another ship that was right next to the first one. Because there were two ships and they ignored one of them. Makes sense, right? Good news for Chewie etc. . .? Not for the people who Rey just murdered, though.

Imagine Rey hadn’t blown up the ship. And they board the imperial ship she yanked out of the sky with the Force but Chewbacca’s not there. And then the ship that actually has Chewbacca on it flies off while they’re interrogating the imps on the wrong ship. And Finn just stares, stupidly. “Oh… my bad. I guess I mixed up the ships.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Or, imagine she had actually did kill Chewbacca? Imagine explaining that to his family.

Rey: “Sorry folks! I killed you dad!”
Lumpy: “What? Noo! What happened?”
Rey: “I got super pissed off and Force lightning came out of me and I blew up the spaceship he was on.”
Lumpy: “You what? Force Lightning? You can shoot lightning out of your body by accident? You killed my father you effing lunatic!”

Lumpy: The Star Wars movie I was in is better than Rise of Skywalker.

What an idiotic movie. All scenes in this movie are at least that stupid. The one with Chewbacca just happens to be funny and stupid.
